How MPs can support the campaign for warm homes

Political action is key to fixing our heat-leaking homes and permanently reducing energy bills. Find out more about the campaign and what you can do as an MP.

25 Sep 2024

The United for Warm Homes campaign brings together communities across the country demanding warm homes for all. 

We’re concerned about how many people are struggling to pay their bills because of soaring gas prices, as well as the lack of government action to insulate the UK’s cold and heat-leaking homes.

We know there are long-lasting solutions that can cut our bills, keep our homes warm and reduce our carbon emissions. That’s why we’re calling for:

  1. Urgent support for people dealing with sky-high energy bills. The average energy bill has skyrocketed since 2021, leaving people facing impossible choices. Far more help is needed to ensure everyone can afford the energy they need to keep their homes warm.   
  2. A new emergency programme to insulate our heat-leaking homes. Upgrading our homes with insulation is the cheapest and easiest way to permanently reduce our bills and cut emissions. We’re calling on the government to roll out a rapid, street-by-street programme to insulate our homes.
  3. An energy system powered by cheap, green renewables. To end the need for expensive and polluting gas in the long term, we must move to a homegrown renewable energy system.

Read more about our demands.

How MPs can support the campaign

We need MPs to ensure the government implements its promised Warm Homes Plan urgently. This plan should be ambitious, insulating as many homes as quickly as possible. And it should be fair, ensuring people most impacted by the energy crisis have their homes insulated first. Here’s how you can take action as an MP…

Ask parliamentary questions

You can help call for an urgent, ambitious and fair plan for warm homes by asking questions in parliament. We have some suggested questions, but if you’d like to ask a question at a specific debate or parliamentary session, please get in touch and we can draft one for you.

Find out about the energy crisis in your constituency

We’ve created a tailored campaign briefing for every constituency in England and Wales. Read your briefing to find out how the energy crisis is impacting your constituents, including data on the number of homes in need of insulation and the average cost of energy bills.

Work with your local group

Speak to your local Friends of the Earth group to find out how they’re campaigning for warm homes for all, and how you can work together.

Show your support for the campaign

Be a champion for the campaign by posting your support on social media, writing about the campaign in your local newspaper, or contacting the relevant government ministers to call for urgent action. Get in touch if you’d like support to do this. 

Thank you for supporting the United for Warm Homes campaign. Together, we can ensure no one has to live in a cold home. 

Take action