26 Feb 2025
Local action group fund
Raising money is part of running a local action group. To help with this, the local action group fund is open to all registered Friends of the Earth groups and networks.
If you're considering applying for a grant from the fund, please read the information below before downloading the application form. It's also a good idea to notify your regional staff and get in touch with us first to make sure your application is on the right track.
Friends of the Earth is extremely grateful to players of People’s Postcode Lottery for supporting our local action group fund.
What we’re looking for in an application
Successful applications include context about the group, specific metrics to measure success, a compelling argument and a mid- to long-term plan. In your application, be specific about what it is you’re aiming to achieve, and include metrics that are measurable. If your application is for a project, such as tree planting, wildflower planting, a beach cleaning (to name a few), we want to see how you will connect this to a campaign action or group development.
Here’s an example to help guide your application:
A group with 5 members is applying to the fund for a beach clean-up as part of their local campaign to ban single use plastics. Single-use plastics are increasing in their area and lots of community members are getting frustrated with the rise in plastic pollution.
To support their application, they include:
- Group recruitment metrics: they'll recruit 10 new members from the clean-up to join the group. They provide a plan to promote the event through different channels (print, social media, word of mouth, their networks), a follow-up meeting to welcome new members and a follow-up journey for new members.
- Group development: one group member is leading the project with the support of the coordinator. They want to take on a coordinator role with the established group coordinator in the future and need to learn how to manage the day-to-day project and group administration.
- This project is part of a wider campaign. They're including an action for participants on the day: sign their petition to their council for a single-use plastic ban, ask their networks to sign and share the petition.
- General follow-up: in line with GDPR, they will email everyone who consented to receive emails with updates about the campaign. Their emails will include invitations to get more involved in the campaign and join the group.
What we aren’t looking for or won’t approve
The aim of the local action grant fund is to support groups to grow, build collective power and connect practical projects with campaign objectives. We aren’t able to approve one-off projects or events that don’t demonstrate community engagement, change or engagement in a campaign, or the day-to-day costs of running a group. Applications must be specific, so we won’t approve applications that provide general or vague information about group development.
Here's an example of what we won’t approve:
A group with 5 members wants to recruit new members. A group member wants to raise awareness about habitat destruction. The application includes:
- 2 pages of background on habitat destruction and the impacts on wildlife is included.
- The coordinator wants social media training so they can manage a social media campaign about the issue.
- They request funding to pay for their phone bill to cover the cost of data so they can use social media from their phone.
- They hope to get new members through the campaign.
This application, while ambitious, doesn’t specify how they'll recruit new members and onboard them into the group. It includes an ongoing cost which we can’t fund, and there’s no opportunity for the coordinator to support members of the group to learn and lead on the project.
We don’t need extensive background on environment and climate issues. A short summary of the issue with a compelling connection to your reason for funding is best. As a general rule, when applying for funding this is what grant providers prefer to see. We know that practicing applications will develop your group’s grant writing skills for future, bigger funding applications.
Frequently ask questions
Who can apply?
The local action group fund is open to all registered Friends of the Earth groups and networks. It's intended to provide financial support that can make a real difference, either by building and developing your group or by achieving a demonstrable positive impact on nature, the climate and/or environmental justice.
How often can a group apply?
You can submit separate applications for a total of £500 per financial year (July-June).
What do we need to include in our application?
The application form must be completed in its entirety. Be prepared to provide the following information:
- A clear objective that demonstrates benefits to your community, nature, climate and/or Friends of the Earth campaigns.
- Plan and timescale for meeting the objective.
- A costing for the project.
- How you will measure the impact of your project, eg. by recruiting new group members, the number of signatures on a petition, door-knocking for a campaign, and so on.
- A follow-up plan for your project, e.g. how you will welcome new members, how you will engage the people who signed your petition, and so on.
If information is missing or vague then it's less likely that your group will be awarded a grant.
Can we apply for a grant retrospectively?
Grants must not be applied for retrospectively except in an emergency. When there's an urgent and compelling reason for financial assistance which couldn't have been foreseen, we're able to issue grants at short notice.
What happens after we submit our application?
The Network coordination team will consider your application, along with your regional staff. We aim to inform you by email of the outcome within 2 weeks of receiving your application.
How likely are we to receive the grant?
Grants will normally be awarded for campaign projects or to support group health development and growth within your community. This could include recruitment initiatives, promotional materials for an event, equipment for an action, venue hire, celebration of campaign successes, group launch events, and more.
Please note: preference is given to groups who can demonstrate a genuine commitment to building power by engaging with and including wider communities, and groups that find part funding for the purpose of their application from group funds, fundraising or external sources.
What can’t we apply for?
Grants won't be awarded for everyday group running costs (eg. phone bills, internet connection, basic stationary costs), ongoing funding needs or in instances where we can provide in-house support such as training for Action Network. If the costing of a project is excessive, such as high costs for food for an event, your application may not be successful. We'll work with you to address this, which is why it’s so important to speak with your regional staff before taking the time to complete an application form.
Groups can only apply to one of our funds per financial year. If your application (Partnership fund, United for Warm Home fund, local action group fund). Between April to June, all groups can reapply to any fund subject to availability. However, groups who are applying for the first time will be given preference in all instances.
Why do we need to fill out an evaluation form?
If your application is successful you'll receive a confirmation letter with payment details and an evaluation form. Please complete the enclosed evaluation form following the completion of your grant spend. There are 6 reasons for this:
- To celebrate your work across our local action group network, Friends of the Earth supporters and wider audience.
- To learn from your work and share this with other groups for inspiration..
- To inform us of the impact of your activities.
- To help us give advice to other groups planning similar work.
- To inform future applications you make.
- To report back to the Peoples Postcode Lottery and celebrate with their supporters.
Once you've completed the application form, please email it to us.
Partnership fund
We’re committed to building and nurturing strong partnerships with organisations and networks across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. We know that by listening to and working with groups not traditionally represented in the environment and climate movement, we can collectively create campaigns and solutions that help more people, as well as have more impact with decision makers.
We’re offering the partnership fund to groups in our network and organisations that build partnerships with organisations who work with, represent and are led by:
Communities disproportionately affected by environmental degradation now and in the future. For example, groups impacted by air pollution in cities, or young people or people of colour facing future climate breakdown.
Those already marginalised in society as identified by the Index of Multiple Deprivation. If you’re looking for resources to help identify communities to build partnerships, check out Local Trusts reports on communities left behind.
- Communities that could be significantly impacted because of job losses from a transition done badly, such as farmers, employees in carbon intensive industries like mining or diesel and petrol car manufacturing.
- International communities that are significantly harmed because of historical and current UK pollution, consumption of resources and foreign policy, such as indigenous groups.
Once you've completed the application form, please email it to us.
Frequently asked questions
Who can apply?
The Partnership Fund is open to all registered Friends of the Earth local action groups. It’s intended to provide financial support to groups that demonstrate that an activity contributes to supporting and amplifying the voices of communities and groups often left out in the environment and climate movements. For example, a group may wish to pay a speaker from a working-class background to speak at an event or run a solidarity action to support a minoritised community.
How often can a group or organisation apply?
You can submit separate applications for a total of £500 per financial year (July – June). If your application relates to group development
What do we need to include in our application?
Your application form must be completed in its entirety. Be prepared to provide the following information:
- A clear objective that demonstrates how the activity you are seeking to fund will enable participation or build a partnership with an identified group, organisation or community meeting one or more of the criteria above.
- A plan and timescale for meeting the objective and, if possible, how you will continue to foster your partnership work in the long term.
- A costing for your partnership.
Can we apply for a grant retrospectively?
Grants must not be applied for retrospectively except in an emergency. When there's an urgent and compelling reason for financial assistance which couldn't have been foreseen, we're able to issue grants at short notice.
What happens after we submit our application?
The Campaign Activism team and regional staff will consider your application. We aim to inform you by email of the outcome within 2 weeks of receiving your application.
How likely are we to receive the grant?
Grants will normally be awarded for projects supporting the development of partnership work or participation with groups meeting the criteria above. This could include paying for consulting with a marginalised group for marketing and campaigns, supporting a solidarity event financially, supporting the planning and hosting of an event or action.
We'll prioritise activities which contribute to building a lasting relationship with a community or organisation. If you need help identifying groups to work with or are unsure if the group you’ve identified meets the criteria, please speak with your regional staff who are very equipped with experience and here to support you.
Grants won't be awarded for projects or activities that do not meet the terms of the Partnership Fund, nor for everyday group running costs.
Why do we need to fill out an evaluation form?
If your application is successful, you'll receive a confirmation letter with payment details. Please complete the enclosed evaluation form. There are 4 reasons for this:
- To help you celebrate and learn from your work.
- To inform us of the impact of your activities.
- To help us give advice to other groups planning similar work.
- To inform future applications you make.