
Building a brilliant campaigning group

08 Jul 2024

When you're part of a campaigning group, the excitement of campaigning can often overshadow the necessary task of building a strong, collaborative group. This practical guide walks you through the steps and strategies you need to build a brilliant campaigning group.

Resisting threats to climate action and justice

10 Jul 2024

This guidance is here to help you spot counter-climate and justice messaging and misinformation, both online and offline, and to give you the steps to take action.

Water pollution and the Environmental Rights Act

31 May 2024

Friends of the Earth has launched a spoof video to highlight the issue of water pollution. Find out what it's all about, and how you and your group can join in.

Sources and methodology for constituency data

11 Jun 2024

Sources and methodology for Friends of the Earth's 2024 State of the Environment report.

Insurance guidance

12 Jan 2024

Find about Friends of the Earth insurance guidance for Friends of the Earth registered local action groups (who have signed the local action group charter) and registered United for Warm Home hubs.

How to use Gibbs' reflective practice cycle in your campaigns

20 Dec 2023

When it comes to campaigning, learning from experience is important. But without reflection, improvement is difficult. Learn how you can use Gibbs’ reflective practice cycle to turn your experiences into insights and better your future campaigns.

How to plan a campaign

18 Jan 2024

Are you planning a new campaign? STOP! Your campaigning will be far more impactful if you create a strong and clear campaign strategy. Follow this short video series, download the activity sheets and learn how to create a campaign plan with your group.

Legal right to a healthy environment

22 Jul 2024

Our environment is in crisis, and the situation is getting worse. To turn things around, we need the government to pass a law recognising the right to a healthy environment as a human right.

How to organise a protest

11 Dec 2023

Learn how to keep yourself and others safe when protesting or attending a demonstration. This guide covers planning actions, how to make your protest safe and inclusive and what policies to follow.

Protest FAQs

19 Sep 2023

In this section, we’ll do our best to answer your questions about protest actions. Please keep in mind that these new legal frameworks and policing powers are very new and as such have not been tested in the courts yet. We’ll continue to update this guidance and the responses to these questions as the use of these laws unfolds.