18 Oct 2023
Shared values
Balsall Heath is a very multicultural area, and it has been very encouraging to see communities of different faiths come together via Footsteps, our local climate action group, to discuss ways to care for our environment and reduce carbon emissions.
As a Muslim my faith teaches me a great deal about appreciating God’s creation by caring for my environment, so I am grateful to be part of an interfaith group that aims to do exactly that. There's an incredibly wide range of religions represented in Footsteps: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Paganism, Judaism as well as Sikhism. I think that all religions share the same values about looking after and giving back to the environment. It definitely helps to come together and listen to other people’s perspectives.
Preventing further climate damage
When I think about the climate emergency, what's done is done, we can’t bring it back. What we can do is stop further damage from happening. How to stop it? Through action and shared goals as a community. I would say to anybody interested in getting more involved, join your local climate group or create one. Share your point of view because every little helps.
Encourage curiosity in nature
As the head of a nursery in the Balsall Heath area I think about the future of the young generation a lot and what world we are leaving for them – be it air or water pollution or the rise in global temperatures, its evident that the environment is in a poor state. We have to do something about it.
I’m part of a few Whatsapp groups with friends and family where we talk about what can be done. I wouldn’t call myself a climate activist, but I am someone who is concerned about the state of the environment and who deeply cares for her community, so I am doing what I can to take climate action.
Here at the nursery we are doing our bit to promote climate awareness amongst the children. We run yearly Father’s Day workshops which feature activities in nature for the children and dads to learn about how to look after their environment. There is a "wall of curiosity" in each classroom which teaches the children about environmental values, such as the importance of reusing materials and staying curious about the natural world.
Farm to table
Our vegetable and fruit patch project in the nursery garden has been a great success. In the summer months the children partake in "farm to table" lunches, whereby they eat vegetables that they grow and harvest in the garden. They feel really excited about growing their own food and knowing exactly where it comes from.
I truly believe that a little goes a long way and that we are planting the seeds to promote a generation of youngsters that are very committed to caring for their environment.
Annie was interviewed by our Content Writer Anike Bello. If you’re in a Climate Action group and would like to share your experience, please contact climateaction@foe.uk