How local councils are acting on climate

These council case studies explore the impacts, benefits and resources needed to tackle climate change locally. Share with your local authority to galvanise change, from reducing landfill waste to protecting nature.

While Friends of the Earth supports these specific projects, this doesn't always extend to the councils' wider environmental policies.


How Wiltshire is making homes warmer and more energy efficient

21 Dec 2022

Wiltshire Council runs a fuel poverty support service and is retrofitting council housing. This case study relates to Actions 11 and 13 of the 50-point Climate Action Plan for Councils. Action 11 includes targeting policies, actions and spending towards people most at risk of fuel poverty, while Action 13 involves retrofitting council-owned properties.

How Islington is supporting vulnerable people and ensuring warm homes

20 Dec 2022

Islington Council has created a joined-up network of services that aim to support vulnerable Londoners facing fuel poverty. This case study relates to Actions 11 and 14 of the 50-point Climate Action Plan for Councils. Action 11 includes identifying people most at risk of fuel poverty and targeting policies, actions and spending towards them, while Action 14 involves helping owner-occupied and fuel-poor homes be more energy efficient, for example via insulation.

How Lancaster is aligning its Local Plan with the climate emergency

05 Apr 2024

Lancaster City Council conducted a prompt review of its Local Plan to ensure the policies it contains will help tackle the climate crisis. Aligning plans, policies and guidance with climate targets forms part of Action 5 in the 50-point Climate Action Plan for Councils.

How Dundee is boosting renewable energy and jobs

24 Apr 2024

Adapting to renewable energy needs a workforce with the skills to make the change, but the current green skills gap around the country shows an urgent need for training. Read how Dundee City Council is addressing this through greater investment and innovation in renewable energy systems, and by providing training. Supporting the development of renewable energy and providing skills training for local workers forms Action 33 of the 50-point Climate Action Plan for Councils.

How Stroud is encouraging renewables in its Local Plan

30 Apr 2024

Learn how Stroud District Council is encouraging renewables in its Local Plan. Growing renewable energy generation by identifying suitable areas in the Local Plan is part of Action 29 in the 50-point Climate Action Plan for Councils.

How South Lakeland helped small businesses to cut carbon

08 May 2024

Learn how South Lakeland District Council's business support initiatives targeted a green recovery from coronavirus and helped small businesses to cut carbon emissions. Fostering a green economy is part of the 50-point Climate Action Plan for Councils under Action 43, to provide particular support to small and medium-sized enterprises to access funds and expertise, so they can contribute to carbon pollution reduction, nature restoration and the growth of the green economy.

How Waltham Forest has divested pensions out of fossil fuels

23 Nov 2022

Learn how Waltham Forest has divested pensions out of fossil fuels and is switching to green investments. Divesting all investments from fossil fuels, including any pension funds, and investing in renewable energy projects instead is Action 35 of the 50-point Climate Action Plan for Councils.

How Cambridgeshire Council is raising revenue with solar farms

12 Apr 2023

Learn how Cambridgeshire County Council is developing successful solar farms. Using less fossil fuel-derived energy forms part of Action 31 of the 50-point Climate Action Plan for Councils: to reduce the energy used by the council in its own estate.

How Warrington invested in renewable energy with community municipal bonds

23 Jun 2023

Learn how Warrington Borough Council has raised money from local climate bonds for low-carbon infrastructure, to speed up carbon emission reductions and increase resilience to the pandemic. The use of Community Municipal Investments sits under Action 8 of the 50-point Climate Action Plan for Councils.

How North East Derbyshire upgraded council homes and tackled fuel poverty

08 Feb 2023

North East Derbyshire District Council has upgraded hundreds of hard-to-treat council homes – lowering emissions and tackling fuel poverty. Retrofitting council-owned properties with heat pumps and high levels of insulation where possible is Action 13 in the 50-point Climate Action Plan for Councils.

These case studies were produced by Ashden and Friends of the Earth, with support from ADEPT (Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport), Climate Emergency UK, Grantham Institute (Climate Change and the Environment, Imperial College London), London Environment Directors’ Network (LEDNet), and My Society.