Sheffield City Region Climate Action Plan

Climate Action Plan for your region

08 May 2020602 kB PDF file

Read the Sheffield City Region Climate Action Plan for the Mayor.
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Sheffield City Region

What can the Mayor do for the planet?

We’re facing a climate emergency, the biggest threat we’ve ever seen to humanity’s existence.

With extreme weather raging around the world, including flooding and extreme heat in the UK, taking action on solutions in all our communities is essential.

How we build and manage our towns and cities is a crucial part of this, not only in actively reducing the climate impact of our transport and energy, but in showing national government where our priorities are, what can be done, and how we expect them to echo those nationally and internationally.

The Mayor of Sheffield City Region has important powers they can use in ensuring the area is as climate friendly as possible. The good news is, we have a plan for how they can achieve that.

We need the Mayor to commit to:

  1. Making sure all infrastructure plans, programmes and investments are in line with curbing climate breakdown and the city region’s carbon budget.
  2. Putting the voices of communities in Sheffield who are most impacted at the centre of decision making.
  3. Protecting workers and communities and ensuring we transition to a low carbon society in a fair and just way.
  4. Introducing policies and measures to end fuel poverty. Ensuring all new development is zero carbon and bringing existing homes up to high energy standards.
  5. Doubling the journeys made by public transport, cycling and walking within the next 10 years, creating cleaner air, and cutting our emissions.
  6. Powering the region with clean, renewable energy, reaping the economic and job opportunities that this brings.
  7. Becoming a zero waste city region by 2030, without reliance on landfill or incineration.
  8. Greening the region through doubling tree cover and protecting nature.
  9. Calling on local government pension schemes to stop investing in fossil fuels and profiting from environmental harm.

Ask your Metro Mayor to build a fairer, greener future.